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Friday, May 6, 2011

CREATION SPACE - Mommas Pearls

By: Cynthia Litman

Pearl of the Day: Your New Zip Code

Stork in the Night
My mom and I were chatting and she said this beautiful pearl in honor of Mother’s Day: “giving birth is beyond anything else in this world. Whether you are a mother to your child or a child to your mother, it’s the original core of being.”

How does this miraculous journey happen?

Before my first pregnancy, I dreamt that a line of huge storks were flying high up above the clouds, soaring through the air in formation on their way to pick up my baby from the birthplace of souls. It never clicked before what supersized cardboard lawn storks had to do with babies until that dream.

In the animated Pixar Short Film “Partly Cloudy”, storks are assigned to their creation “cloud people” way up in the heavens. The cloud people create all the beautiful things in the universe, puppies, adorable babies with a gathering of the clouds and a poof of lightning.  A bit below the light cloud people, there is a darker cloud person, Gus, who is responsible for creating the crocodiles, porcupines, rams and what you’d perhaps put on the naughty list.

Gus’s stork, named Peck, has it rougher than most storks. Instead of cuddly babies to carry, he’s flying while battling bites, flesh wounds, porcupine needles to carry Gus's creations out into the world.

Partly Cloudy (Pixar Short Films)
Partly Cloudy

Exhausted, Peck returns for his next pickup but freaks out when he sees his next package awaiting demarcation is a fully toothed shark. YIKES!! He changes course and flies up to the light Cloud Person, looking on, Gus, is noticeably upset and angry and looking at his shark, his baby. To his surprised delight, the stork returns fully armed with a helmut and shoulder pads.

We are all armed with exactly what we need to welcome the beautiful gifts which are our children, in whatever package they arrive.

During my first pregnancy, I felt like a big fat fluffy angel cloud. I was keenly aware of the energy vortex that cocooned my belly, which was always piping hot to the touch. It was a time of complete surrender and trust. I've never been so in tune with my body, yet so completely out of control with the process of creation which takes on a life of its own.

Receiving the stork and welcoming our children is among life’s greatest and most miraculous surprises. 

When that stork comes and we give birth, we bring the children into our world and their new homes with a sense of wonder - How did this happen? Is it really happening? What will happen? Are you sure you had the right address?

Then we watch our babies morph into this world. The earth energy merges with our bodies by way of air, water, food, energy waves and is constantly evolving. As more toxins appear in our once natural world, we need more armor. Like Peck, the stork, we navigate our surroundings the best we can. 

Is it really possible to remain pure spirits like we were on our stork ride?

Luckily, there are certain lifestyle choices we can adapt to make the creation space our permanent residence.

We will explore these choices with holistic lifestyle expert Latham Thomas, founder of Tender Shoots Wellness on this week’s Mommas Pearls radio show.

Copyright © 2011 Cynthia Litman d/b/a Tigris Imprints. All Rights Reserved.