Events and More!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


By: Cynthia Litman

Pear of the Day: Children are Love

Happy Family Happy Home
When it comes to love I think of Eden Ahbez’s pearl as echoed in Baz Lurhman’s film Moulin Rouge “The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”  

Children are love. Being a parent is love’s reward. Love is the only language children are fluent in and understand completely.  Children are born into this world completely open and ready for love.

Somewhere down the line as we grow we move out of the heart space and into the head space. We forget about love. We then spend our adult life lost and searching for love.

To our children, our language becomes foreign and a space inside grows empty as they just want to be re-filled with love.

We simply forget.  We search for it, we crave it.  

Mother Teresa puts it perfectly with the pearl “the hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.”

Through love is our connection, our appreciation our gratitude.  Our kids want so badly to feel this connection from their parents.

When you forget yourself, correct yourself and start simple.

I Love You MoreStart by expanding your own willingness to understand and feel love. Notice something about your child that you may have brushed off before and give it attention. Affirm your children.

Expanding the conversation of love is this week's special guest on the Mommas Pearls radio show, Laura Duksta’s mission with her best selling children’s book “I Love You More”. That along with her second book “You are a Gift” are wonderful starting points to help guide you to expand your conversation and open up another layer to your familial relationship.

So love and be loved!!

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