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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

L-O-V-E Spell

By: Cynthia Litman

Tree of Love
Pearl of the Day: Clear Enchantment


Let. Old. Values. Erase. 
Leave. Only. Valuable. Emotions.

The Art of Love is a work in practice. It's a state of being. A moment of grace. It's a perpetual choice. And perhaps the pearl in the song by Blessed Unions of Soul's "I believe love is the answer" reins true.

February is a month dedicated to love. Love for ourselves, our partners, our loved ones, our past leaders. It's a time to honor the heart and clear any barriers we hold up against loving unconditionally.

At the basis of every fear lay an inability to love.

Try playing like cupid and shoot arrows through whatever barriers exist to your full expression of love. Once you strike at the heart of the matter the fear dissipates and suddenly the world brightens.

Work from the inside out.

All our relationships uplift as the language and actions we take within them can now derive from a place of love. Our guard softens and lust to assert power gives way to our desire to fully embrace the world, heart wide open.

Our children naturally speak from this heart space and are conditioned to close down their heart, throw up guards and speak solely from their minds.

Our worlds would change dramatically if our hearts remained open.

♥ Starting Monday, Feb 13th, in time for Valentine's Day, we embark on a journey of self love during a 4 week Mommas Pearls Tele-Call series to set ourselves in the right frame of heart. We'll peel back the layers with exercises to help you get to the heart of the matter and we'll do so with wisdom, humility, honesty and of course lots of love. Join me.

♥$30 off V-day Gift:

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