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Monday, February 27, 2012

Loving Pearl - Inner PeaceKeeper

Medieval Armor
Loving Pearl
There is a place in you where there is perfect peace. ~A Course in Miracles

I am at peace
I feel at peace
I find my peace

Macha's Love Note
Find your peace today. Go within. Breath Deeply.

Mommas Pearls PS Note By Cynthia
We spend so much time in the external world we often lose track of ourselves and disconnect with our inner world. Our inner world deserves just as much, if not more attention. It ain't always easy to look within and peel back the layers of ourselves but it's essential.

Every time we turn our backs on our inner world, we create space for our shadow to gain more power. 

It's like having the devil and angel on your shoulders with the devil inciting you into conflict. "Oh, everything's so great, people can't tell I have this raging war inside of me so why would I want to upset that."

The answer is easy, when we fail to do our inner peacekeeping work, we eventually get blown out of the water.

When you face your enemies from a place centered in your truth, peace can flourish. Truth is your holy land. When you lose your truth, the more ammunition you supply towards your inner discord. Each time you ignore, repress, disengage without resolution, you enable your inner war to rage on and your shadow self stockpiles reasons to launch preemptive strikes on your seemingly peaceful nation.

Perhaps there are very good reasons you do not wish to look within. Perhaps there are aspects of yourself that you are not yet at peace with, perhaps there's someone you cannot forgive and you resent being resentful. You are not alone, we all have demons we'd rather not confront.

Letting go of your inner war often feels like you've entered a war zone. Or worse a never ending quagmire. We are all fighting and striving for peace within. So call on your vast arsenal of spiritual tools and gather brothers and sisters to arms and get medieval on your own ass, in the most loving, supportive and celebratory manner, to help light the way to victory.

You are a cause worth fighting for! Whoever says otherwise is living in the dark ages. Whatever is keeping you armed and dangerous, pull the trigger go within and battle it out for your inner peace.

You'll know when it's time to lay down your arms and surrender. It's when you realize it's not a revolution it's a natural part of your evolution.

You may lose a few battles, but you'll win the war. Be at peace.

Related Mommas Pearls Post: March on gently and with support through the M'S Gems Labrynth

Reprinted and re-purposed for and by Mommas Pearls with loving permission from Macha, Her Future.