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Monday, February 6, 2012

Loving Pearl - Life

Treasure Chest
Love Pearl
L’chaim “To Life”

Lovely Affirmation

I honor my life.
I make the most of everyday

Macha's Love Note
Today I ask you to honor your life. My good friend introduced me to Ayelet, a two year old little girl fighting for her life. Her parents shared her story and asked for prayers. Ayelet passed away early this week. This little girl spent most of her short life in pain but she found joy everyday.

Mommas Pearls PS Note
Life is a treasure chest waiting to be discovered. We never know what life has in store for us or what tomorrow will bring. In Judiasm there is a most precious pearl that if you have a choice between life and death, you should always choose life. So if there's a conflict between a birthday party and a funeral, you should attend the birthday party. However, funerals are celebrations of a life lived. There is honor and great lessons of death. Without death, you may argue, life would have less meaning.

We all face death, in each moment that passes an ending occurs and a beginning emerges. Our children's passing though their stages marks the death of one stage and emergence of a new, like newborn into infancy into toddlerhood and so on up the ladder of life's stages. At my daughter's birthday party, I kept thinking of how the same people are present to celebrate the passing of each phase with us, from my friends and family whose birthdays we've celebrated together and we are now celebrating the next generation and of the new friends we've made through her life in school and activities. We are on the journey together. We share in each other's blessings and tears. Life is a continuous cycle of love whether through the physical experience or on the other side of life.

Treasure your life and each person in it as the most precious gems.

Related Mommas Pearls Post: Keep yourself alive in the present PRESENT SENSE.

About Macha Einbender
Macha is an integral member of the Mommas Pearls family, practical spiritual and meditation teacher, radio show hostess, mother of 2 lovies, and one of my spiritual sisters. Visit MACHA at SPIRIT JUNKIE DAILY on Gabrielle Bernstein's HERFUTURE

Reprinted and re-purposed for Mommas Pearls with loving permission from Macha, Her Future.

An Invitation from Mommas Pearls:
Develop a greater appreciation for your life's journey on the next Mommas Pearls i-5 Live Tele-call series!!

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