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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Loving Pearls - Happiness

Loving Pearl

 “The greatest gift you can give another person is your happiness.” Abraham hicks

I am happy
I share my happiness with the world

Macha's Love Note
Its my birthday today and what I would love most from you is your happiness.

Mommas Pearls PS Note
There are few people in life, who have the innate ability to be celebrated by celebrating others. Such as is Macha whose birthday we celebrated today with a group of her dearest girlfriends. It was beautiful and all she wanted was to bring her favorite peeps together and honor them with a meditation.

It was beautiful to sit and bask in the light that she calls forth from each person. All we had to do was show up with our hearts. In our hearts is a true desire for your loved ones to be happy and experience love. You want the best for your children and to see them happy.

Our happiness is the result of self-work and self-love. Macha is a facilitator for both and the proof is in the pudding. All the beauty that surrounds her and how each person will show up for her fully and effortlessly. It's beautiful because she opens herself to receiving and has committed herself to her practice.

Knowing that what you bring to a space affects it. Doing your work, being true to yourself is honoring yourself and will help you hold a space of happiness, authenticity and self-love.

That is really all you ever need to bring to a party. And I received the beautiful gift of this lesson.

Happy Birthday Macha!!

Related Mommas Pearls Post: A birthday Ritual: Birthday Girls

About Macha Einbender

Macha is an integral member of the Mommas Pearls family, practical spiritual and meditation teacher, radio show hostess, mother of 2 lovies, and one of my spiritual sisters. Visit MACHA at SPIRIT JUNKIE DAILY on Gabrielle Bernstein's HERFUTURE

Reprinted and re-purposed for Mommas Pearls with loving permission from Macha, Her Future.