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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Loving Pearls - Mirror Mirror

Sun Burst
Loving Pearl
“Clean but the mirror and the message shines forth” A course in miracles 

Lovely Affirmation 
I am guided loved and protected I look within and heal
I see through the eyes of love

Macha's Love Note
When you are a clear channel messages start to arrive and guide you. The messages are always available but we must get clear to hear it. The best way is meditating and praying for clarity and guidance.

Mommas Pearls PS Note
Would you drink a cloudy glass of water?

When we are clouded, our thoughts, decisions, experiences everything becomes clouded as well. We begin to get murky messages, lost in confusion standing at the fork in the road afraid to take a path, stuck at a stop sign waiting for someone else to make the first move.

Trust me I know.

Feeling the sun to shine again and finding your clarity is challenging when you've lost faith in yourself and start second guessing your own instincts. 

Luckily I have an incredible support system, family and friends like Macha and Melissa that help to step in and be my mirror to reflect back that clearer version of who I really am, and she is not the murked up image that stands before me when I'm in a cloudy state. Rather, I am that glowing goddess sheathed in silk (whom Macha helped me visualize and re-connect with during a mercy meditation last week) who I all too often forget.

All of our relationships are mirrors for who we are and who we see in ourselves. 
Turn inward first and set the intention to be clear and call on your support system to help you see where you got stuck at the fork in your road. They can help you take the first step down to making a clearer decision. Most importantly, be gentle.

Know you are protected in your journey and in whichever path you now choose.

Your fears, insecurities, sadness and limiting beliefs of your lower self are the stop sign. When you face them it's like learning how to diffuse a bomb or even just let it go off. You have a bomb squad in your guides, angels, spiritual partners and loved ones. You are da bomb! You are the one to remove the casing and cut the blue wire, or is it the red one (shit!!). You are responsible for the shrapnel.

With each step you will shed a fear you chose to wear as a passing fad. Each glance up at a tree lining the path you walk, you'll see the root of your insecurities and how it stemmed from a wounded place within. As the leaves fall, you'll earn back a smile, and draw closer back towards your center until you re-find your stride.

Related Mommas Pearls Post: Take an inner journey through your Labrynth.

About Macha Einbender
Macha is an integral member of the Mommas Pearls family, practical spiritual and meditation teacher, radio show hostess, mother of 2 lovies, and one of my spiritual sisters. Visit MACHA at SPIRIT JUNKIE DAILY on Gabrielle Bernstein's HERFUTURE

Reprinted and re-purposed for Mommas Pearls with loving permission from Macha, Her Future.

An Invitation from Mommas Pearls:
Take a gentle journey to remove the clouds on the next Mommas Pearls i-5 Live Tele-call series!!