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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Loving Pearls - Silent Power

Love Pearl
“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” ~ Ram Dass

Lovely Affirmation

I am aware
I am open to receive Divine guidance
I listen with my heart
I invite guidance to lead me in my day today and everyday.

Macha's Love Note
There is something about getting quiet that makes you more aware of everything. We are surrounded by noise and stimulus everyday and it seems that our senses are taking a beating. Once I learned how to quiet my mind I started to hear things that I needed to hear. Ideas started to flow to me. Inspiration out of nowhere would pop into my mind. I know as the Course says “A still mind will receive” So I make it a point to get still.  It was a little freaky at first what I started to “hear” I could sense what people were feeling. My intuition sharpened and I got insight on the future. Now I’m hooked. A few times a day breathing deeply and going within. Short intervals of silence. Not talking and really listening to the people around me. Driving with no radio. All these things can help you to access your inner ear.

Mommas Pearls PS Note
There's a true beauty in the power of silence. If you've ever lost your voice, whether physically with laryngitis or spiritually with feeling powerless to express yourself, there's a quiet power that begins to brew within. That source of power cues our other senses into action. We are addicted to talk and it's our primal form of communication that is always developing. When you are forced to shut up, you begin to source alternative nonverbal methods of communication and shifts you into being an active observer.  In silence the world screams and your inner world is ignited. Tune into your emotional and spiritual body to see where else you've lost your voice.

Related Mommas Pearls Post: Enjoy your SILENT TREATMENT.

About Macha Einbender
Macha is an integral member of the Mommas Pearls family, practical spiritual and meditation teacher, radio show hostess, mother of 2 lovies, and one of my spiritual sisters.
Visit MACHA at SPIRIT JUNKIE DAILY on Gabrielle Bernstein's HERFUTURE

Reprinted and re-purposed for Mommas Pearls with loving permission from Macha, Her Future.

An Invitation from Mommas Pearls:
Take a journey of self-love and re-claim your true voice on the next Mommas Pearls i-5 Live Tele-call series!!

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