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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Loving Pearl - Love Note

Love Notes
Loving Pearl
“You may think there is a lot wrong with you, but there is also a lot right with you.”  Joel Osteen

Lovely Affirmation
I love and approve of myself
I deeply love myself
I count my qualities
I see my value in so many ways

Macha's Love Note
Make a list of all the things you love about yourself. all your gifts, your qualities, all the things you love about you!

I love that I care about people, I love my creativity, I love my sense of humor, i love that my body is so healthy and active and allows me to do the things I need to do. I’m a good friend. I connect people every day. I share everything. I love to love, I love learning. I love that I prefer to be happy than right.

This is not an easy thing to do, but it feels so good!!!!

Now your turn..

Mommas Pearls PS Note
Okay, I'll play. "Oh how I love me, let me count the ways..."

This exercise can feel so cheesy and we went through the process on the past Mommas Pearls Tele-call series to unlock our blocks to self love. It was initially met with hesitation, resistance and serious writers block. I engaged in the practice and felt the same way.

But once the love juices got flowing and I got through my first sentence, there was so much that I wanted to acknowledge and affirm for myself and it began to flow - the good, bad and ugly came pouring out. It was an amazing exercise and I highly recommend it.

We spend so much time peering outward, caring for others, we forget to love and honor ourselves. We forget that the only opinion that truly matters is your own. We look for validation and approval in everyone else's eye's but the only place it really matters is inside. If you are in alignment with yourself and your actions, no one can throw you off kilter, no one can rob your power. Everyone can tell you are wrong but you will stop believing in them because you are living from your truth. The real power lies in living your truth even if your truth is someone else's lie. That's the true power of your own conviction and self love at its finest hour.

It's so much easier sometimes to focus on the negative that we forget our positive and that we can spin any negative into a positive. For example, an excerpt from my letter...

"Cynthia - I love how you not just screw things up, but do so royally. In fact, no one can screw things up quite like you, it's an art form. I love how you always manage to rise again and press forward."

If you are getting some massive writers block, start by just perusing your life, all the aspects of yourself - parenthood, career, friendship, hobbies - and see where you feel the best and brightest and speak from that place. What are your Best Moments and how do they shine? What's your challenge, insecurity and can you see the beauty in your vulnerability.

Give it a shot and let your love note sing.

Get some inspiration here with Arielle Ford's "Wabi Sabi Love" vow:

Related Mommas Pearls Post: Self Love on Your Bella Life- and check out Pauline Esposito's quote on self love.

Reprinted and re-purposed for and by Mommas Pearls with loving permission from Macha, Her Future.