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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Planting Fields

Pearl of the Day: A New Crop of Budding Babies

By: Cynthia Litman
Red Admiral

When seeing our children through the lens of springtime I am reminded of Henry David Thoreau's pearl "though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there and I am prepared to expect wonders." 

It all starts with a seed, without a seed a plant cannot emerge, a flower can't blossom. We are all seedlings seeking the perfect conditions for which to bloom. During spring life truly re-emerges from its dormant state. Slowly you see all the seeds we've sown to begin to take form within us, our gardens and our lives.
Melon Seed Mandala
The seed has a long way to go in its life and you can have a hundred seeds in hand but if you don't create the right environment for each one to have an opportunity to flourish, you'll just have a handful of seeds. You gotta find a spot, dig a hole, drop your seeds, fertilize, water, give it love and sunshine and then it's up to a higher power to give life to that seed and lots of helpers (birds, bees & butterflies).

We may be springing forward but I take a serious backwards look at all the seeds I’ve planted in my lifetime. Which ones did I allow to flourish, how many did I drop and which did I ignore but are somehow surfacing.
We are planting tons of seeds within our children on a momentary basis. You never know what’s going to plant the seed to lead to the tree with the deepest roots in them and what’s going to spark the new wave of mutant ninja weeds.

I was watching my children on the playground and my son was scared to climb the ladder. He started making his way up and as other kids began swarming it and passing him, he held his ground, very firm indeed with a “hey, it’s my turn!” He then froze when he was about 3 rungs from the top. At a point when he has to change positions, stand up and take the remaining steps. He wouldn’t budge. I encouraged him from underneath and talked it through with him. But nothing, frozen and now holding up the line of other anxious kids.

Then from atop another mom reached out her hand to him and said "here, take my hand and then a big step." He looked down at me, I reassured him that was a great idea. He reached out his hand and took his final steps towards a small victory. He spent the next two hours going up and down that ladder.  

It took but that small gesture of a helping hand for him to overcome his fear and triumph. He finally focused on what he could achieve rather than being stuck in what he couldn't do.

I look back at the seeds of fears that took root within me and grew into thorny blocks. It’s the tiniest things that I remember now. The unhealthy dynamics and patterns I harbored and let fester, incidents that triggered insecurities, missed opportunities, parts of me that were afraid to surface.... 

When it comes to gardening, you have to have faith, trust and patience. Life may complicate matters, throw you a hurricane the rips the seed from its root. Life will still press on.

My grandparent's death 3 years ago triggered something within me and a desire to unearth a deeply buried seed – writing. And yet another - sharing. And so I launched Mommas Pearls and it's been one beautiful pearl to polish after another.

My grandparents who have always been my personal gardeners helping me blossom and clear weeds are still extending a helping hand to cue me into just love the sheer joy of gardening and let the rest go. Be in the fields, play and nurture. 
Being true to the forces of nature there are no useless seeds in our natural evolution and weeds are pleasant reminders to give love and attention to what you truly wish to harvest.

Next MomShop Series plants a seed of appreciation!