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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

50 Shades of Risque: EL James Brings Sexy Back to LI

By: Cynthia Litman
NY Times Best Selling Author EL James released a swell of primal sexual energy not felt since Samantha Jones (Kim Catrall) wore the crown for popular culture's queen of female sexual empowerment turning Lola the showgirl (Copacabana) into a prude.

So when the invitation came to attend Elyssa Stern’s Divalysscious Moms luncheon at Long Island’s Carlyle on the Green in honor of the Fifty Shades Trilogy, how could I resist such a tempting offer to catch a first hand scent of the growing phenomena sweeping the US thanks in part to the Diva Moms Book Club.
Line Up At Carlyle on the Green
I heard about  “the book” probably in much the same way you did. My friend's book clubs were all over it and they’d begin to whisper all the titillating reasons why I had to read The Book – it is a sexual fantasy escape novel, will boost my sex life with my husband, great love story….

I need more wooing.
Author's table

They'd heat up but almost as soon as they’d reach the dirty details they’d stop, regain composure and retreat into whispering “you just have to read it”.   Our naughty conversation usually ended by them criticizing The Books by saying something like “Oh, I didn’t really love it” "they're poorly written." uh, huh, sure.

Serious guilty S&M pleasure.

From what I gather, Fifty Shades hits the G-spot for all mature females, not just horny hard up housewives, as evidenced by the diverse demographic of the hundreds of women there with their girlfriends ready for action.

Not being in any particular rush to unleash my S&M sexual beast, I must say I’m enjoying the foreplay. Even now, The Book sits on my bed side table, teasing, tempting, luring, daring me to resist what lies between it’s covers. I finger through the pages, peeping on what’s to come… pursed lips… panties… elevators…. Private e-mails… 

To smut resistance seems futile.  

Ironically,  as soon as I questioned "what's a girl like me doing in a place like this", Carlyle on the Green happened to be the site of wedding  and here I am revisiting 10 years later with the décor now strewn with lace panties, silk ties, erotic passages from the book, an irresistible candy bar, centerpieces adorned with handcuffs, feathers, vibrators for sale and cocktails flowing, quite possibly pegging me into the hard up housewife demographic. 

I wonder, have I lost my mojo?

Me Getting A Rise with EL James
Female sexuality is a powerful primal force which sometimes needs coaxing. Diva Moms brought back up to inspire women to tap into their mighty source.

Lyss took the microphone and playfully teased the crowd wetting our appetites – “we are here to celebrate the unity of women and reconnecting women with their sexuality.” Our prowess is now being stroked.

Fitness maven, Kristen James was next to share how her new 50 Shapes Workout regimen will turn you into a sex goddess in no time.

Then Dr. Logan Levkoff, a practicing sexologist touring with EL James reaffirms how “we are all entitled to emotionally and physically fulfilling relationships and guilt free experimental sex with our partners…. Good sex is our right versus the obligatory 4 minute sex before your TY show starts…. We are mother, sisters, friends and we all are sex goddesses."

Finally… the climax

EL James came into the room and it fully erupted in applause. Walking right pass me you can feel the swirl of energy around her. Apparently this extroverted writer is extremely shy, however, she responded to all questions asked.  The Fifty Shades journey began with EL being “curious as to what would a sadomasochistic lifestyle be like?” This led her straight to her computer and into the explicit world of S&M.

EL James at the Mic
To some, like the Cocoa Beach Library in Florida, the Fifty Shades trilogy is purely pornographic and should be banned. American society is riddled with overtly sexual images usually concocted from a male perspective, this is a female purview into erotica with a love story.  When it comes to porn the story doesn't necessarily matter but apparently women love the love story between Anastasia and Christian. With over 3 million books in print, sex is definitely selling the hell out of Fifty Shades.
As a friend noted, the women walking around with the books under their arm may as well be carrying a porno DVD, but somehow it's widely accepted.

One things for certain, for a good mommy timeout, definitely call Lyss.

For some quality private time,  I’ll take a cue from the SNL Mother’s Day Gift skit and prepare myself for Fifty Shades.  Let's see if I have the stamina for the full trilogy.

Related Mommas Pearls Content: Mighty Aphrodite Blog & Radio Show

DIVALYSSCIOUS MOMS: An event and networking group that caters to moms!! 
Lyss Stern (Diva Moms Founder) joins us on the Mommas Pearls Radio Show :)

Disclosure: While I did not receive any compensation for this post my ticket was generously comped.