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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Loving Pearls - Support Sisters

"We must take the communion of women very seriously at this time and do all we can to support them in reaching for the stars. There cannot be too many glorious women. There cannot be too many extraordinary people in this world." ~ Marianne Williamson

Lovely Affirmation
I support and love my sisters

Macha's Love Note
Let's love and support on another. Simple as that.

Cynthia's PS Pearl
This morning I received the above in my inbox and took a long sigh of relief. My grandmother always believed in the pearl that "you need great girlfriends in your life, as boys come and go and they never fully understand what women face." Being a mother gave new depth to what she said.

Women are natural warriors.  It's just how we're built.

Personally, I like Betty White's pearls which sways us to resent the expression 'grow some balls', balls are squishy uber sensitive things that topple giants, everyone should buck up and "grow a vag", those things can take a beating.

When you know your friends have your back you can accomplish anything. Girlfriends stack the vertebrae of your backbone. My sister and soul sisters reinforce me like spinach does to Popeye.

During the darkest days of my journey over the last few years my girlfriends have held a mirror, casting away the dark shadows to reflect what is truly bright, shining and beautiful.

It's so easy for girls to get lost in catty games, jealousy, judgments, fine lines, wrinkles, muffin tops and cellulite on display, and popular culture only seems to reinforce girl on girl cat fights, frenemies and a how you can't dare wear the same fab dress as me mentality, but the truth is it is way more powerful and fun to spend your time and energy basking in each others strengths, accomplishments, insights, borrowing each others clothes, cuing friends in to when your fab dress is going on sale, and feeling genuinely happy for the blessings they have in their lives.  

Once you begin to celebrate other people's joy you can more fully appreciate the blessings in your life. When you support others you reinforce your own support system. When you see your friends as allies you suddenly amass a sister army, a true force to be reckoned with. It actually then makes it easier for the men to step up to the plate.

One of my business sisters says, "sharing expands" and sharing with your sisters expands tenfold. It takes a village to be a woman in this world. Women have come so far yet are still up against many obstacles, external and internal. Maternal energy has the power to create a sacred space for everyone's greatness to unfold, for potentials to be reached, for the world to be filled with beauty. It all starts as simply as turning to your soul sisters and saying, you rock and asking how can I help you?

With your sisters, you can be everywhere at once. The good times transform into amazing and the dark times turn into awakenings.

When we are eachother's best cheerleaders, we create a field of love. Through you, your children will follow suit and lead the next generation of comrades.

Related Mommas Pearls Post: A Friend A Day

Upcoming MOMSHOP: Mother's Day For Appreciation

Reprinted and re-purposed for and by Mommas Pearls with loving permission from Macha, Her Future, visit Spirit Junkie for daily posts.