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Friday, May 18, 2012


Pearl of the Day: Tapped In

Blooming Tree
Are you my mother? I love this book and this question related to the pearl "being a mother is so much more than giving birth." 

Albeit the birth process is a full on selfless miraculous process (see many past Mommas Pearls posts on the topic) however, being born is just a starting point, a check point, it's your grand entrance, letting the horse out of the gate charging forth from the origin of all beginnings, carrying all gifts, seeds, strength and stamina for this lifetime.

Male and female energy intertwined in all its glory creates a new being to carry forth a soul. The soul begins its earthly journey searching out the age old questions of who am I and why the heck was I brought here and born to these people?

What exactly is a mother? Moms help answer these questions or at least provide a framework for the world to make sense and serve a purpose. Notably, while trying to figure out the same for themselves along the way.

Our soul’s journey is guided by many mothers along the way. Mother energy is that which nurtures, holds the creation space and supports our being. Many earth angels step in and hold our hand, whisper words of encouragement, wipe away tears, clean flesh wounds, clear shadows and illuminate our heart. The mother basks in our glory, shares our triumphs, acknowledges our genius and teaches, loves, guides and accepts us unconditionally.

My mom has been my direct lifeline for decades.  She is the second voice that's tapped directly into my conscience, that part of me which kind of goes "really, Cynthia?"

The mom bond at its best is a lifelong source of mutual nourishment. The paradox of being a mother is that the work is never finished and can always be improved, yet a mother's job is done best in just being and holding space while your creation takes shape, charges off to collect its winnings or fears being sent to the glue factory.

The momma space is a perpetual force of creation, hope and belief. We hold this space for others, whether our children, parents, friends, co-workers or strangers. With each look, extension of our hand, and opening of our heart our mother energy comes pouring through.

Look at all you’ve created, all which you’ve brought forth into existence for yourself and others - can you pinpoint the origin of its conception?  Envision what you have yet to bring through and birth in this lifetime. See it being perfectly nurtured, guided and finding the right environment to materialize.

Whatever you desire to create must and will happen and when it does, utilize your mommy bragging rights and toast your creation. After all, all moms think their creations are the second coming.

Then watch it flourish and prepare for adolescence. ;)

Copyright © 2012 Cynthia Litman d/b/a Tigris Imprints. All Rights Reserved.

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Creation Space - that magical bridge between heaven & earth
Stepping Stones - on guiding yourself and your children through the stages