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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fate Steps

The Fates
Pearl of the Day: Glide with Grace
Having just seen the Disney/Pixar movie "BRAVE", bravery is weighing on my mind as is James Russell Lowell's pearl "fate loves the fearless." What does it mean to you to be truly brave? Following your heart and remaining authentic is perhaps the greatest act of bravery.

Your fate is revealed one step at a time.

When you peer into the future it's easy to see the big picture or perhaps a tiny glimpse of what may lay in store for you and you may foresee multiple possible pathways for yourself. Now matter what end you see, there is nothing more important in your journey then the present moment and how you shape the present moment will invariably shift the pathways you take. Some pathways are straight, winding and paved with broken planks.

When you are in a relationship your fate is invariably tied to that of your significant other. You can work to make long strides together but if your partner side steps you can either shift with, stay still or step out. Either way you will feel the side effects. There may be a temptation to sway your mate's fate or otherwise influence it. Being lucky in love helps expand your fate towards a larger, more positive reality of your life's vision. The same with children, they have their own pathways to cross. 

However tempting it is to want to influence another, you can only do your spiritual work and hold a space for your partner to do theirs and pray that they grow and evolve so you can continue to tango.

Sometimes fate leads us to a closed door so we can learn how to open a new one.

Shifting gears and perhaps out of a rut or more aptly, out of fear takes courage, deep breaths and lots of faith. My life's journey has surprised and shocked me to my core and I've experienced the depth of my strength and bravery alongside the depth of my fear and cowardliness. Both spaces are vast and alluring and spin out possibilities. It usually takes but a whisper of inspiration or a give it up to Jesus moment to snap me back on track and into action.

The first step forward is the hardest. Once committed the pathway will unfold and while you may be tempted to backtrack and veer off this new unfamiliar path, stay true, press forward take "inspired right actions" as Gabrielle Bernstein says, and see how much closer to your truth you feel.

Bravery then becomes second nature. Fear no longer is a stumbling block.

Related PostBEING BRAVE (more on the film)