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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Buddha Belly

By: Cynthia Litman

Pearl of the day: Be like the Buddha

Flashback 2006:
Me 31 Weeks Prego in Full Buddha Mode
When my sister was pregnant and ready to go at any moment I remembered my friend’s pearl of trusting your body do what it naturally knows how to do.

Women go through so many physiological changes during their lifetime and at each major life stage with pregnancy and menopause being the biggies.  From conception through birth a woman’s body is a temple of creation.

It was during my first pregnancy when I realized I was as close to god and being god-like as I was ever going to experience in this lifetime. Being my son’s “Creator” was the most miraculous experience and I felt and looked like the Buddha.

Yet I had very little to do with the process.  

An expectant mother has so little control over what you spawn 9 months later. Sure you can control your diet, exercise, sleep and health care regimen but your body goes into auto pilot and takes over to create a life.

Each day I read “The Pregnancy Journal” by Christine Harris, which gave just enough information to know what was happening with the development of the baby within. It was amazing, oh, now the teeth and bones are forming eat calcium, oh, now it decides whether it’s a male or female. Oh, now the tissue is developing.

A person is made of so many moving parts to us it’s amazing how any of us function. Yet we do and being in utero is just the start of our ever evolving process. To prepare for the birth of my son I charted out the perfect birth plan worked with a doula and was going to do most of the labor at home and arrive at the hospital just in time to pop it out.

My son had other plans and my entire plan went out the window when I was admitted to the hospital 2 weeks early for an overnight stay, labor induced, 12 hour labor followed and finished by a c-section. Not my most powerful moment but an experience where I learned to surrender.

As my sister’s due date approached she was ready to go. I remember the anticipation and the feeling of being done. Yet while you want the pregnancy done you are not really ready for not being pregnant because you get so used to being pregnant you forget what it is like having your body to yourself.

Regardless I’m excited to be a support for my sister whichever way the birth takes her and to be an auntie! There’s nothing better than eating up a newborn!!

And don’t forget to thank your own Creators --- a.k.a. your parents…

Originally posted via Twolia in 2009, and I am a very proud auntie!!!.... Copyright © 2009, 2012 Cynthia Litman d/b/a Tigris Imprints. All Rights Reserved.

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