Events and More!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Extra Credit: My Next Tele-call Series

Pearl of the Series: High Marks

When Gabrielle Bernstein first suggested that I host groups, a rush of fear came through me.

"Can I do that????"

All the doubts, insecurities, hesitations about not being credible enough to do it crept in and all the things I AM came into mind - lawyer/momma/wife/Reiki master/loving being - along with everything I AM NOT - therapist/Oprah/Guru. Next came the fear of no one signing up and hearing crickets on the phone line - BEULER!!

Mommas Pearls, is a space I've been nurturing for a few years and I'm working to bring it to the next level. Getting to know you and what the real service Mommas Pearls provides felt like the right start. Opening a space to have more time with parents sounded great but I didn't know how, single coaching, group coaching, live stuff?

I've worked with clients at all levels in their careers from utero stages to guru status and know just how much work it takes to get "there". When Gabby talked about how much she loved facilitating her group coaching it was time for me to face my fears and so I just went for it and birthed the Mommas Pearls i-5 Live!! Tele-call Series (i-5 stands for virtual high fives!!).

For my first series, I way over-prepared, felt nervous and while it took me time to find my groove, 10 minutes in I fell in love with the space. I hung up the phone wondering why haven't I been doing this all along? Everything about it rang true to who I am - holding a space, tapping in, mentoring, sharing and seeing how my random knowledge becomes the perfect pearl another needs to hear. As the calls went on and I got over myself the feedback started coming in and the moms were blooming! It was obvious with each call the moms gained confidence, depth and clarity.

Each series has a unique theme and challenges we work on - meaning the topics do not repeat so each series is fresh - and staying on theme naturally helps us string our pearls. The series are offered quarterly.

The next series topic is EXTRA CREDIT because we all deserve high marks.

The series is an interactive information and feeling exchange. With each challenge we discuss and exercise we do together it's invaluable to hear each mom's perspective. Each moment expands your perspective, offers alternative solutions and guidance or sometimes just provides a space to be heard without judgement.

Right now the series is for moms of any age. A PopShop series is in the works and I'm curious if you dads are open to it...????

At $99 per momma, the series is deliberately affordable for moms (and if you need a discount, just ask). It's so important for moms to have a sacred space to connect with and support each other. Maintaining the personal connection of the space is key for the calls to work which is why space is limited. I also will grandfather your first series price, so even as they grow and will likely increase in price, you will always pay your first series fee for all subsequent series as my THANK YOU for supporting me early on!!

I don't have all the answers and am so not the perfect parent but accept that I am the perfect parent for my children and that I do have an extensive knowledge bank for you to draw resources from and a deep love for helping you evolve and problem solve.

The last 5 minutes each call during the Series is devoted to an Integrative Meditation, as there's nothing more soulful then a group of moms collectively exhaling all the stress away and owning the powerful space we create together.

While we may herald from different generational lines we are all on the same journey: to find balance in our lives, to parent without the guilt and filled with love, to continue our own journey, practice self-love while holding a space of unconditional love, to heal the wounds of our childhood and to have 5 minutes to pee uninterrupted.

All of the above is abundant in our lives and available in every moment, if we choose it to be!! The Series offers you time each week to focus on your inner life. You'll be surprised how fast the 1.5 hours passes.

I've grown so much from hosting the Mommas Pearls Tele-call Series and invite you to journey with me and further sharpen your sense of self. :)

I-5 Live!! Next Series begins Monday, October 1st
Call Time: 8pm - 9:30pmEST
Call Dates:  10/1, 10/8, 10/15 & 10/22
*All calls are recorded so you never "miss" out.
Series Fee: $99/person

HEAR MORE via my interview with MACHA for

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