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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Mommas Pearls Café - Roasted Herb & His Girls


By: Cynthia Litman

Meet Herb & his Vege Girlfriends
A country table is only comforting if its welcoming and shared with great company. Fall brings me to my roots and my mom’s favorite dish to make is chicken. She always felt like having “chicken tonight” and makes it a million different ways.  I’ve since found my groove with the versatile bird as well. It’s considered one of the “light” meats that even my healthiest of Institute of Integrative Nutrition friends approve of. My daughter loves her “chicken bones” and licks her lips at the very mention of it being on the menu.  The fall veges are just a bonus to complete the meal and add some pure earthy harvest to your roasted rustic plate.

The starting base of the marinade for both dishes are the same (up to a point) so you can work on both bowls at once and as a busy working momma, saving time is key. 

Preheat oven to 350

FOR HERB, the Hottest Chicken On The Block
Family Pack of Drum Sticks (happy organic hormone, cage & anti-biotic free preferred, look for sales and freeze)
Take the pack out and let Herb chill out at room temperature before getting busy.
Rinse & Line Herbs bones on a meat only cutting board, pat em dry.
Salt em up – Kosher Salt first, then a round of Sea Salt before going into the oven. If you have crazy salt go nuts.
Give a good sprinkle of Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Tumeric, Paprika, Black Pepper & White Pepper on BOTH SIDES

Take a Mixing Bowl (I use stainless steel for cleanliness)
Add a Swirl of EVOO (or other healthy oil)
½ TBLSPN Crushed Garlic (love Trader Joes jarred crushed garlic)
*A word on garlic – Twilight fans beware, I love the stuff & use tons of it
1 Fresh Garlic Clove smashed with Sea Salt (a Rachel Ray trick)
3 Huge Sage Leaves (6 small ones) torn up
½ Sprig of Rosemary
1 Sprig Thyme
* A word on herbs – fresh is best, dried is fine
¼ Orange Squeezed with Zest
Small chunk of raw Ginger Grated
(NOTE: I use the above Herb base for almost every meat, poultry & fish)
1 Apple skinned, cored & cubed

OPTIONAL MIX A LOT: Add a Glob (1/3 cup total) of Tamari, Balsamic Vinegar, SOY VEY (Melissa introduced me to this delish sauce) & Honey.
Other Options for sweetness: BBQ Sauce, Duck Sauce.
Trial & Error: I’ve used a combo of one or all of the above so see what you have and try it out.

*Measurement Note - I cook on feel & loathe anything math related so everything is approximate 
Substitution - If you have a person in your family who has high blood pressure & can’t have salt, lose it & add celery to the wet mix.

Marry Herb
Use Tongs & place chicken in your bowl & get it sauced up.
If you can let HERB marinate with his dressing, let him get his groove on.
Place in Glass Rectangular Pan (or BBQ). If you are messy like me, line it with tin foil.
Takes a little over an hour to cook, brush sauce at 20 minutes & 40 minutes.  Make sure the juices run clear & inside is white (not raw pink) before serving.
Take juice from pan lift the foil & serve it (with apple chunks) as the gravy.

ROASTED VEGES (aka Herb's Girls)
Use a Vege Mixing Bowl
Add a Swirl of EVOO
1 Clove Garlic (smashed like above if you so prefer)
½ Sprig of Rosemary
2 Large Sage Leaves
1 Sprig of Thyme
Himalayan Sea Salt
Black Pepper
Garlic Powder
Handful (½ cup-ish) Butternut Squash
Handful Fingerling Potatoes – Mixed Colors (cut chunky style)
½ Sweet Potato (peeled)
¼ Onion (Red or White) – chunky quarters
Note: What I missed but wish I had on hand to add Beets & Parsnip
Mix it up

Cook in Cast Iron pan if you have it, I tried something I haven’t yet ventured which was using the Cast Iron pan on the stove top first & then placing in the oven to roasting. Usually I’ll just put the veges with the chicken and cook em all in one space (waste not want not!!).
OPTIONAL: Sautee with Butter & Sage in pan
BREAD: If you have bread you can use the end trails of the vege mixing bowl to top your bread (you like that one!!!)

Little Sous Chefs: How to involve the kids
Give the kids a not so sharp knife and let them peel & cut the Veges.
*Fun Note: As this vege ensemble calls for them “Chunky” you can sing Moto Moto’s song “I like em big, I like em Chunky” from Madagascar :)
Let em rip the Herbs
Sprinkle the Dry Ingredients, pour it in their hands first (just make sure they wash it off)
Squeeze the Orange
Grate the Ginger
Tossing the Veges into the Mixing Bowl is amazingly fun
Mix the Veges In their Bowl & spill them in the pan
If you have a brush, let your kids then brush some of the sauce on the chicken while its in the pan.
Don’t recommend letting them handle the onions or garlic, they cry.

Copyright © 2012 Cynthia Litman d/b/a Tigris Imprints. All Rights Reserved.

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