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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Summer Cool

Camp PW - Sky Pic
By: Cynthia Litman

Pearl of the Post: Super Sized Emotions

Not sure if it's the Super Moon, the hot temperature, mercury retrograde or the solar flares bursting in air, but tempers are flying sparking the Horace pearl "Anger is short lived madness."

Indeed, the mood is intense. I almost bit my own head off yesterday.

My entire soul is demanding a time out. The beginning of the summer season consists of many go betweens. I'm caught between two worlds - working and staying at home, moving into a new home and cleaning out my current one, kids finishing school and starting camp, going from freezing cold AC inside to boiling hot outside, etc.

It's a confusing transition cycle and a time out would be miraculous.

Here's some helpful summer cooling tips!

Gabrielle Bernstein's annual Kripalu retreat is this weekend and my body memory recalls feeling so refreshed from last year's retreat - spiritual, emotionally and physically that it's demanding a getaway since I'm not going this year :( but instituting the clean Kripalu living this weekend here at home. 

The past month has been a waste zone, been eating like crap and every kind of crap. Time to detox. Luckily there's no shortage of detoxing programs out there, loving the newest from Fit & Healthy Mama's but will be doing this one on my own with lots of veges and fruits, trying to lay off the fried foods but they are in every concession stand. Super will power I have not.
Summer Reading
Clearing out the cobwebs and imbuing my soul with a beautiful summer line up and a new book club with my girlfriends. Polishing off Danielle Boonstra's poetically rich debut novel "Without Fear of Falling" is like traveling in time with my soul mate. Or catch up on past Mommas Pearls posts!! :)

Pool Side
Stay Cool
Cooler heads will prevail as will cooler inner core temperatures. Return to your cooling breath and find your water zones. Even when active keep a cool mindset and do not over exert, if you play sports, stay in the moment with your body, don't force it forward. Once revved up give it time to cool down.
Sara's Fav Summer Juice
Fresh Palette
Summer calls for easy clean living and eating. Time to hit the replay button on our chat with Laurie Borenstein on the seasonal cooling foods for summer and bust out the zucchini, watermelon and cucumbers! Nibble or immerse in water and enjoy. Follow healthy foodies like Laurie and Sara Siskind of Cleaner Lighter You for refreshing light and delightful summer recipes.

Fruity Facials
A favorite skin trick of mine is to use the peels of the watermelon and the cucumbers on your face as a coolant and de-puffing measure. It feels sooooo good. My daughter indulges in this practice with me, she thinks it's hilarious. To exfoliate use orange peels - the acidity is a great cleansing agent! Let your skin air dry.
Morning Shadow
Get a Groove
Continuing the Gollum like feeling, I'm craving both action mode and an Om Zone. My detox mode entails re-embarking on morning walks when it's kind of cool out, meditation - nothing calms the body and mind like it, focused actions to inspire abundance during the day, as the heat leaves no room for wasted energy, and cool down time with swimming in my various pool houses. It's not really for heaving lifting but be that as it may, I'll harness packing to focus on core strength training.
Nature Calls
Must enjoy nature's summer bounty, take the family to a farm and go visit the animals or stroll a farmers market for fresh veges and fruit. Hit the beach for some ocean air and mush your feet into the sand or bury your kids. Soak in some sun (with sunscreen!!) for your vitamin D dose. Catch a sunset, an instant mood upper.  Enjoy the flowers that are blooming - the peonies, hydrangeas, sunflowers and lilies are ginormous and gorgeous. Catch some fireflies and revel in the magic of their glowing neon butts.

Yes, the summer is maddeningly awesome. Find refuge in yourself and cool down as a family when you can!! Summer is but a few months.

And exhale. :)

Copyright © 2013 Cynthia Litman d/b/a Tigris Imprints. All Rights Reserved.

Related Mommas Pearls Content:
Summer's Feast - Show with Laurie Borenstein
Summer Feast - Blog

Sara Siskind

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