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Thursday, August 29, 2013

DC Dreaming

-->By: Cynthia Litman
Honest Abe

Pearl of the Post: Demonstrating History

During the commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington led by Martin Luther King, President Obama proffered the pearl "change does not come from Washington but to Washington by those who march."

As my kids and I descended upon our nation's capital in the days prior, I dreamt they will one day appreciate the pearls of historical wisdom blanketing Washington, DC.

Much like Rome (Italy) once you navigate the circular Beltway into DC's epicenter you feel its staunch power. Each majestic building housing the heads of State and commanding the affairs of the Country and statue a solid reminder of our collective and individual potential.

My patriotism coursing with the blood of my immigrant ancestors rekindled memories of my prior DC visits as my children were ready to create their own.  DC illuminates hearts across generations.  

DC's Metro Matrix
To my delight, my children were very comfortable in DC, thanks in part to my dear friend who hosted us.

We began our adventure on the Metro (DC's train system). The Metro is very user friendly, thanks to the Metro workmen who directed us, the easy to follow color coded train lines and electronic boards stating your waiting time. Unlike New York where help is something you do for yourself and it’s anybody’s guess when the next train will be. 
On a Mission

We met up with a WWII Navy veteran, Marty, his wife and daughter as we navigated our way towards the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.

My kids took off with a multi-sensory earth to sky experience and hands on activities in the How to Fly section. Their attention was held throughout as they looked up, down and around at the massive airplanes, missiles, telescopes and lunar modules flanking about.

We left to picnic upon the lawn in the center of museum row. As the sun beat down, the ice cream melting all over my daughter kept the taste of freedom alive.
Taste of Freedom

The space is open to those, like the Chinese protesters seeking protection for their spiritual practice Falun Gong. Millions marched upon those blades of grass with hot tempers seeking the refreshment of their rights. Some footprints, like Martin Luther King Jr.'s forever imprinted upon the pavement while others passed like the fleeting August breeze.

We then took a bright pink petty cab over to The White House where my son thought we were going for lunch and a sleep over party. If only I remembered to call ahead.

The White House
Access to The White House is more restricted then I remember.  Regardless, seeing The White House from any vantage point is exhilarating and casts out both the dreamer and the realist. 

This is where the magic happens.

The Smithsonian's Zoo is a different animal entirely.

Much like the elephant's memory bank, the animals are walking historic reminders that we are not the only caretakers of this earth. The freedom of other species hang in the balance. Animals can easily turn. My children were hunting for a sighting as the animals hid from the scorching sun.

Then again, DC is prowling with political animals hungry for power. Citizens serving as catalysts and casualties.

Fallen soldiers haunt the National Mall as veterans, like Marty, provide living proof that ghosts exist. Their minds refreshed of their purpose as they visit with their descendants.

While walking the sleek and slippery pathway along the Vietnam Memorial Wall, there were people making pencil etchings of the names, perhaps to become heirlooms.
The trail led us to the footsteps of the rather awesome Lincoln Memorial. 

Lincoln faces the Washington Monument, the pillar representing Washington's (masculine) power. The Monument is currently encased in scaffolding as it is being restored from earthquake damage. The Reflecting Pool spans the space in between.

The Mall is an ingenious design, originally conceived by Pierre Charles L'Enfant, for those who seek to wield power should always first take a good long honest reflection. 

We all hold our ideals sacred, our truth evident and worthy of protection. What we believe, see, feel are monumental in our worlds.

Lincoln Memorial Steps
My children and I sat before Abe’s feet above the massive media crew setting the stage for history to be revisited with the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, which forever permeated the soul of our nation.

As time ticks on the remains of the past are present everywhere in DC reminding of us of our potential futures. 

Hopefully, one day I'll be marching upon DC with my grandchildren imparting my bits of wisdom as they take their turn forming impressions.
I wondered what pillars will my children stand upon?

What will be the rally cry of their generation?

History will tell. 


DC Travel Pearl:
As the major attractions are free admission, DC is very visitor and budget friendly. There's plenty of food options from upscale restaurants, Georgetown pubs to food trucks. Add extra time with each attraction as traveling with kids always takes a little longer then planned. It's a walkable city but there's a lot of ground to cover.

With the multitude of options multiple unique trips are easily achieved. I'd love to go back and re-visit the Holocaust Museum, see the Women's museum, the Native American Museum, take a boat trip on the Potomac, dine in Dupont Circle and take a night walk through the National Mall Memorials.


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Copyright © 2013 Cynthia Litman d/b/a Tigris Imprints. All Rights Reserved. 

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