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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Anew Spirit

--> By: Cynthia Litman

Mums the Word
Pearl of the Post: Harvest Your Truth

William Cullen Bryant's pearl "Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile” perfectly captures my love affair with Fall.

Nature smiles ever so gently upon us with easy breaths of crisp fresh air, brightly lit clear blue skies and a cornucopia of colors.  It's enough to make me eyegasm.

Go outdoors and observe the natural order of death and rebirth stimulated this season. The ending of summer, start of fall and senses of winter.

Mini-deaths are not morbid rather they are vibrant rebirths. Let go. Truth is, parts of you must die in order for you to fully live.

Change is the tide of the season and celebrated with festivals and harvests. Take your family to at least one!

Starting anew keeps your soul moving forward.  Fresh starts are everywhere. Change is harvested from the roots of every area of your life - family, career, health, relationships, self-care, etc.

Release, renew and dive deep into your soul. Time to shed your skin, drop your armor and search what nourishes you, face your insecurities and trace them to the source. Write your own syllabus and include the supports you seek. Most importantly, celebrate the process.

Like the apples ripe for the picking, cherry pick your own soul. In the best of Fall, the process is crisp and gentle. The ripened apple knows just when to release itself from its tree. It's the most perfectly sweet.

The tree represents the perfect life cycle and prepares for its rebirth in the most beautiful of ways, with a bright color burst. Each branch, leaf, acorn an offshoot representing a person, issue or belief structure in your own family tree all pooling life from the sun above and the earth below.

May we all aspire to gracefully follow suit.  Make like a tree and leave your worries behind so your true nature may fully emerge. :)

Copyright © 2013 Cynthia Litman d/b/a Tigris Imprints. All Rights Reserved.

Upcoming from Mommas Pearls: 
Fall Inspired Posts and Day trip insights.

*A Special One-Night Only Fall Inspired Mommas Pearls Tele-Call
KNOW YOUR ROOTS, Mon Oct. 7th, 8pmEST. 
I'm so excited for this call!! All are welcome and moms are encouraged to join in. We'll use the beauty of the season to inspire our personal and spiritual growth.
Register Here:

Follow my Instagram pictures as I capture the glory of Fall. :)

Family Fun Fall Events:
Rise of the Jack O'Lanterns at Old Westbury Gardens:
Walk your family through thousands of lit up Jack O'lanterns crafted by local  artists upon the gorgeous grounds of Old Westbury Gardens.

Always check out Port Washington Mama for calendar listings.

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