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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

All Treats

By: Cynthia Litman, Esq.

Pearl of the Post: Drop the Ghost


Halloween keeps you a bit on edge, anything is possible and dolls out pearls like candy as Nicholas Gordon says "Halloween wraps fear in innocence, as though it were a slightly sour sweet, let, terror, then, be turned into a treat." 

On All Hallows Eve, the doorway between this world and the next is wide open. Ghosts roam freely about. This is followed by All Saints Day and The Day of the Dead. This line up is a powerful time to tune up and into the higher frequencies of yourself.

The creaking door in your mind still spooks your soul. Pull back the cobwebs and peer into your past victories over fear. Then face those which still lay dormant.

At almost 40, my fears vastly differ from when I was a child, but are of the same web.

My children's fears are both foreign yet so vastly familiar. On a recent Spooky Walk, my daughter and cousins were spooked by the massive spread of Halloween style ornaments on a neighbor's lawn. While my 5 year old daughter shrieks at the ghosts, ghouls and scary masks, I loved it, they got the job done.

Right now, in my constant state of doing, fear is not regularly at my bedside. For a long time, fear was my mistress, consuming my thoughts, stunting my actions.

While A Course In Miracles teaches the pearl that fear is an illusion and only love is real, the energy we turn over to fear can manifest very real world circumstances. It becomes that situation we did not ever wish to handle, that energy we'd rather not work through, those words we'd prefer stay stifled. The tiniest fearful thought wigs us out when we let it near our present. They hang like the ghoulish figures in the night.  

Being the persistent little bugger that it is, fear will taunt you and gain power until it comes to pass.

Perhaps you've got good reason to fear, perhaps your parents totally freaked you out as a child and now you've grown into the Oscar winning role of "Scaredy Cat". My mom's the 1st one darting when bees are near. Totally rational for her as she was thrown into a beehive as a child and is highly allergic. Took me a good loooooong while to sit still around bees and find my respect for their all important earthly role. A few weeks ago, the school nurse calls (always scary) to relay my son was stung by a bee. My instinct was to run to him but he was thankfully fine.

With the veil so thin, now is the time to draw upon the lessons of the Saints and your Ancestors to help exorcise your demons. 

Below is a little treat for ya, an Ancestry Exercise. :)

Your grandparents experience may have seeped its way into your subconscious, like mine who survived the Holocaust, so I carried this plaguing fear that I too needed to survive a war. Our ancestry is our genetic makeup, the collective experience vibrating within our cells coding our instincts like our innate early warning detection system.

Family Constellation Therapy helps me release my ancestral karma with the pearl that we drop the ancestral burden as we are not to repeat the pathways of the past. Our ancestors had their time and wish for us to learn from them and carry the pack forward with new experiences.

The Saints intend for their exemplary lives to be still a lesson of love and compassion within our own hearts. Make like a Saint and pave the way.

It's time to drop the ghost.

Think of it like receiving a shiny candy wrapper. It's too pretty to resist. It glistens, it crinkles. You can't bring yourself to pick it apart. All the external wrappings in our lives, like a dependent friendship, a nagging creditor or inability to apply to that job, is a manifestation of our internal state. Yet when you peel off the wrapping it's all sweet stuff inside, even when melted.  

Our core is innately innocent and vulnerable. Keeping it that way throughout our lives becomes a death defying trick in itself. So we wrap it up tight. We use whatever tactics we can to keep it safe. We conjure external ghosts to chase to avoid what lies within.

A defense mechanism based upon fear.

When fear becomes your mask you diminish the natural divine connection which although amplified on Halloween is always within our reach. Once you exorcise your demons, you reclaim your strength. The fear masks shatter. Your center remains a calm and trusting place enabling you to proudly twerk with the devil in the pale moonlight. 

Wearing your core as your mask, you find the world is impossibly filled with treats!!

Happy Halloween. :)

Spooktacular Family Fun
The Rise of the Jack O'Lanterns

Related Mommas Pearls Content
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Masquerade Ball - M's Gems

Ancestry Exercise (as seen in the Mommas Pearls Newsletter)
Maximize October's doorway to tap into your ancestral energy. 
Shortcut - A quick shout out, one thought, a flash in your mind is sometimes all you need.
Going Deeper - As always - intention matters. Picture yourself totally safe and protected by white light. Quiet your mind. Call upon your guides and ancestors and hold them in your thoughts. When you feel calm and protected, share your current state of being and ask for the guidance and support you desire. Listen, observe and be still. Open your heart chackra to receive their blessing. Finish with expressing your gratitude. Trust the messages and the feelings. Work on releasing any old energy, just let it go. Breathe.
Prep: Gather some photos or anything personal to strengthen the connection, think of your best and worst memory with them. Let it marinate.
Post: Observe. Journal. Cry. Release. Breathe. Move. Repeat

Family Constellation Therapy (the sister energy work to Mommas Pearls)
Natalie Berthold (NY) 
Michele Blechner (Miami/NY) 

Copyright © 2013 Cynthia Litman d/b/a Tigris Imprints. All Rights Reserved.

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