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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Time Lapse

By: Cynthia Litman

Pile as of Tuesday, More to Come!
Pearl of the Post: Have Your Time

This time of year I'm reflecting upon this pearl "Upon each breath we pass into memory. Manifesting the moment is such a gift."

The tide of time turns on my Facebook news feed with pictures flashing end of the year celebrations, graduations, proms, recitals, camp trunks shuffling off as we close the book on another school year and cue summer, the consummate season of nostalgia.

My daughter's Kindergarten slide show brought it home for me. Seeing my girl, now 6, with her friends she's known since size 0, learning, laughing and evolving together. She even said in reference to her boy-friend (not to be confused with her "boyfriend" - just saying) "we are going to grow up together."

"The 3 Musketeers"
The pearl that "childhood is wasted on the young" may not be fully lost on these children. They know their ladder is to be climbed upwards as we are always pushing them forward onto the next phase, the next alphabet letter, the next social cue and their next calendar milestone.

Life is in perpetual forward motion, one big moving up ceremony.

To truly make the grade in a moment and embrace it, own it and make it special is a practice.  I've experienced my fair share of awesome and not-so-much-so moments. I've learned you have to carve transition time and use that as your ceremony in between the pomp and circumstance. 

Lil Explorer
My younger self's insecure aspects held back on life. As my clock ticks towards 40, my voice now says "oh, can't I?" or more likely, "hells yeah!"

I'm increasingly interested in soaking up the moment. Moving through resistance is not always fun, it's there to keep you safe from (fill in the blank). You may opt to remain as is, however, life will not.

Be Kind, Time Does Not Rewind. 

I remember sitting in my grandparents house unsure what to do with them except for eating twelve bowls of chicken noodle soup to appease their sense of my appetite. I didn't fully appreciate them then.

As time turned me into an adult, I became acutely aware of how fast the moments with them would pass into memory and churn their story into history. For them, our time together was a joy and so short compared to the painful passing of time filled with memory of leaving their family to their fate in Warsaw, Poland.

Life ferments in the long goodbyes.

Buddy Hug!!  Til Visiting Day!!
In between the camp send offs and school's last hurrah's, there's little wind down time to reflect and grade progress.  I'd love to review and discuss every page of the armfuls of artwork and composition books my children bring home each day, but know the reality is maybe we'll eyeball a page before going out to soak up summer (while we can!) and before we're shuffling to and fro.

In a blink, it will be back to school season again with postings of kids with book bags in front of school buses awaiting to take them into the promise of their next level. All while we stand by  smiling, waving and praying for high marks.

We had our time in school and camp. We surrender to the tide that turns our children's childhood into memory.

Life dances on. Keep tissues handy.

Happy & Healthy Summer!! :)

Join my photo journey on Instagram: @Cynpearls

I'm ever grateful to the teachers, coaches and mentors who've imprinted our lives this year!!

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