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Monday, April 6, 2015

In Motion

By: Cynthia Litman

Winging It
Life is in perpetual motion. 

A pearl I'm pondering as my young family is flying to Los Angeles for our first family vacation/business trip in a good long time.

It goes so fast.

Or so I've heard since I was first pregnant with them. Yet with one glance into the small frame of my 7 year old daughter sitting so maturely next to me, in what used to be my window seat, and my heart stops.

It's going too fast.

There's so much to do, yet so little time. Or so it seems. Our young family is always on the go, doing, stopping and repeating.

They literally have the world right below their feet.

Even on this trip, with 6 hours of flight time, we are all captive in our own little worlds. I've already watched the film "Wild", a film starring Reese Witherspoon which I've wanted to see since reading the book this past summer and am now blogging and snacking the time away.

My daughter's switching between DisneyXD and My Little Pony and flipping through a tween rag she chose. My son is glued to the TV, downing soda like there's no tomorrow, getting up every other minute to pee and smiling at me with his two almost fully in adult front teeth.

Oh, my toothless boy!

His two front teeth is marking a major milestone in time's passing. It's like his last bastion of baby before full blown boyhood. His teeth are framing the future. I get but a glimpse of the man face his children will grow to know.

I still see that little delicious round faced big eyed bouncing baby boy whom I bobbled through motherhood with.   

Time changes life before your eyes.

As we hop forward into Spring, new buds of green life emerge and I'm feeling so grateful. With Reese's screen mom's death fresh on my mind - she died at 45 years young leaving her son and daughter behind - my heart is feeling the need to finally shake off the cold that was this winter, come out from my slumber and fly through any remaining fears so I can fully soak in as much experience with my children as possible.

Without chasing it but by simply committing to being. Being together. Being full. Being aware. Being love.

Being together in the land of dreams.

Colby asked what LA is like and I replied, "Well darling, they call it la la land as it's the land of dreams. Anything you can imagine you can create. All your shows you love, well they were likely made in Hollywood."

We are heading to vacation in the land built on moving pictures. Turning a blank page into being. Pooling hundreds of people together to move the masses. This was my early love and my memories of LA flash through my mind.

Time is flying us forward. Taking my angels to the City of Angels.
Here We Come!!

I'll be snapping my own pictures (until my phone dies) of our family in motion and capturing Cali skypics. I'll lead my children down paths I've walked before they were but a glimmer in my eye.

I've experienced LA when stars shone bright in my eyes with dreams of my own future.

As we take this family party from 10,000 feet to Hollywood's walk of fame we'll be setting new dreams and putting new memories in motion!!

Move with us on Instagram @Cynpearls

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