Events and More!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Eternal Summer

By: Cynthia Litman

Pearl of the Post: Shines Within

The close of summer has me begging for just a bit more.

Just a bit more freedom, before being confined indoors.

Just a bit more ease, to ease the after school activity rush.

Just a bit more looseness in our schedule.

Just a few more 8pm sunsets.  
Just a few more strolls down by the waterfront

Just a bit more time doing laps and floating in the pool.

Just one more night time swim. 
Just a few more dips in the ocean and toes in the sand.

Just a bit more time on the kayak in the middle of the Sound.

Just one more lick of Doug's ice cream down on the wharf.

Just a few more slumber parties and staying up till dawn.

Just a few more runs through the daisy patch.

Just one more Summer Soirees and a taste of barbecue. 

Just one more run around the bases with my Swingas.

Just another chance to take them out to the ball game.

Just another Beach Night Bonfire with besties. 
Just a few more sounds music outdoors.

Just a few more hours skipping rocks.

Just a bit more freedom to roam without any urgent need to be home. 

Just a bit more magic to keep my soul from running afoul.

Just another big bang of fireworks in the sky.
Just a bit more sunshine to stockpile Vitamin D. 

Just another road trip to fulfill my desires.  

Just a few more ferry rides through the Dragon's Fire. 
Just a bit more before I fall into autumn.

Just a bit more solar power to stockpile for the dark days of winter. 

Alas, I already feel the chill riding the air. 

The sun has already begun to be shy.

Who do I have to beg for just a bit more summer.

The Summer memories will forever burn in my heart.

Share your favorite summer memory in the comments below.

Follow us through fall over on Instagram: @Cynpearls

(c) 2015 Cynthia R. Litman, Esq., PLLC d/b/a MomTime Events. All Rights Reserved. 

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