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Friday, November 20, 2015

On Paris

Jean Jullien's "Peace for Paris"
Pearl: Tethered Beauty

By: Cynthia Litman

The Friday the 13th Paris events rocked my soul. Buddha's pearl "the root of attachment is suffering" is a mirror reflecting my sorrow.

My first thought was "no, NOT PARIS!!!"  

I love Paris. 

Upon my first visit, the moment I landed, I felt instantly at home and at peace with myself. It felt so familiar and natural even though we were perfect strangers and me no parlez vous Francais.

Beauty lives everywhere there. 
The city has an aura of romance and seduces you intensely, deeply yet gently. For me, it was love at first sight. It's the only place where I fully flirt with my femininity. I adorn myself with all my girlie girl garb -tulle, pearls, lace, red lip stick, Chanel no. 5 - that otherwise stays nicely buried in my NY closet. 
The Louvre

The City is livable art. 

Touring Paris is like strolling for miles in a Renoir painting wearing rose colored glasses. 

My steps matched my gasps at the architectural art - the buildings, Arcs, gardens, museums, fashion, cafes, lamp posts. All very much my style. 

It's history and nostalgia is layered like Parfume in the air over hints of soft fresh baked crispy scents. My spirit lifted with each step and lightened in the incense filled holy air at Notre Dame.

Parisians particularly excel in the culinary arts. One rich Parisian morsel is more fulfilling than any super sized American plate. They fully transformed me into a certified hot chocolate snob. 

My second date with Paris verified that my love was not a fluke. The gifts of pleasure and freedom is what France gives best.

In the years since, I saw the rising climate of violence in Europe. 

I felt the shudder after Charlie Hebdo. Each wave of antisemitism striking Europe drummed up my blanket of love for Paris. I'd pull it up tight and try to dream my way back to its beauty. 

Parisian Jews are immigrating to Israel in higher numbers than usual. I'd see friends post Facebook their Paris vacation pics and pray for their safe return. 

Last Friday, my painted image shattered into a million pieces. 

Paris's beauty now tethered to crisis, shock and awe. I know this feeling. This feeling ran rampart on and post 9-11-01 in the streets of NYC, DC and in the hearts of Americans. A new and unfamiliar fear blanketed America and now it blankets Paris.

"The Thinker" by Auguste Rodin
A darker picture is painted.

We collectively took a breath and on social media waved France's flag colors. Artist Jean's Jullien's "Peace for Paris" went viral (above right). 

The Western World falls in line while waves of other incidents (Beruit, Nigeria, Israel) barely warrant the 24/7 Paris news cycle. 

Staying stuck in the spin cycle keeps the darkest picture of humanity in the center of your conscience. 

I returned my profile picture a solid 48 hours later. That seemed like an appropriate social media turnover time. I mean, the sooner we return to ourselves, the quicker we can slip from the terror noose, back into our daily lives and attention towards other causes.

Yet, we must keep our eyes open and ears peeled. 
"National Park Service 9-11 Statue of Liberty and WTC fire" ~ National Park Service.
In a post-9-11 and 11-13 world, when ISIS says, "WE WANT YOU" to America with a target on NYC and DC, it is duly noted.

I'm regularly in NYC and pray hard each time. I know I'm assuming a risk, but man, NYC is worth it, particularly in autumn!

These tragic events force us to review our world purview and catch up on current events. We seek answers and swift resolutions but often settle for sound bites. I wonder how Israel does this daily.

Staying aware and opening the discourse in your own social circles, with your representatives and your children is key for us not to slip into comfortable numbness.

The Western World powers will respond in kind. 

It is doing so with rounds of coordinated air strikes. Apparently,  the Western powers are all friends again. The Western forces will likely kill a greater number of civilians on its revenge quest than the innocent lives lost in Paris. Will we ignore that tally as we would a boring painting on the museum wall? Probably.

Indeed, we are getting too comfortable living in a violent tide. We do not truly know who is pulling the strings of terror. We point one way, arm, train and back another group of soldiers, only to point another way the next go around. 

It must stop. But how do you stop the madness? How do you ever contain fear mongers? What response and collective group hug will pierce the demonic ideological veil and deactivate military machines?
"Love Flags" by Remy, age 7

My friend Macha says, "we need to send in our love flags, angels and 'Energy Emissaries' to balance the strikes."  

Ghandi would second this with his pearl,  "Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love."

Is it that easy or just plain naive? Is this the missing ideological anecdote? How do you spread light where you say "I love you" and they say "drop dead"? If I cling hard to my love, will they cling harder to their hate?

You hold a space of love in spite of the fear. This is my love note.

Versailles Garden
Fear tethers mankind's humanity. It insists on a visible, identifiable, destructive version of justice upon our enemies. 

The world is dividing, like it has before for two world wars.

Admittedly, my American in Paris level of attached affection leaves me biased. Yet, I'd like to think of myself as a spiritual humanist who loves all. Ok, fine I choose us. 

Time will tell who is on the "right" side of history.

I dream of one day walking the streets of Paris holding my daughter's hand, chomping on baguettes, sipping on Chocolat Chaud, sketching in our sketch pads, shopping the Soldes (sales) and being blissfully girly together. I hold this vision firmly of us together at a cafe in Paris. 

When I take off my rose colored Parisian glasses, reality appears. 

The streets of Paris will never feel the same again. The Europe of the future may be drastically different then the Europe I remember but hopefully will never return to my Grandparent's Europe. 

My grandparents were in refugee camps post World War II until they were processed and immigrated to the US. The fleeing Syrian refugees are caught in the cross hairs. The processes all but seemed to have disappeared into either an we'll take all or none approach. 
Lady Liberty's Construction
Once lost, one can never return to innocence.  You enter a new space of healing to un-tether the beauty you see in the world. 

What will the face of liberty look like for the future of mankind?

It is a delicate time and much hangs in the balance, including, the regular freedoms and western pleasures of strolling through city streets, enjoying a concert or dinner and safely return home. 


A few Resources for Insights, Info & Levity
Gabby Bernstein on Paris
Russell Brand Video - Simple Be More Loving
Interview with ISIS Fighter
Paris You Don't Want to Read This
The Barbarians are Inside and their Are No Gates 
Love & Flowers 
Waleed Aly's View 

Note: This is a highly sensitive post, event and topic and does not even begin to cover the gravity of the events, all of the extensive issues involved or my views on all of the issues. I've taken a great creative license and wish to honor the beauty and my love of Paris. My heart goes out to all those in mourning. Wishing you all peace!

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