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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Believe U Me

By: Cynthia Litman

Pearl: Spolier Alert

"Tooth Fairy" image by & courtesy of Dixie Allen 
Life as a little girl can be summed up with Tinker Bell's pearl, "all you need is faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust." 

When their faith is tested your world is rocked. 

Case in point: My daughter's Tooth Fairy's cover has been compromised! This is a stop in your parental tracks moment. 

Switching to kid belief def com 1!! 

It all happened whilst hosting a cousin's sleepover and my little cousin was expecting a visit from the tooth fairy. His mom and I planned it out. 

After midnight when they all finally fell asleep, I plotted my TF mission.

My daughter is a believer.  Casey really really loves the tooth fairy. She writes her notes and gives her presents at any opportune lost tooth moment. The tooth fairy rewards the faithful in kind. 

It's a sweet, healthy relationship with a mythical being.

That night, she left a love note for the tooth fairy under her pillow and in support of her cousin.
 Casey's TF love note xo
The kids awoke all excited to collect their TF tokens. It was the topic of conversation over chocolate chip pancakes before their Skylanterns tournament picked back up. 

The tooth was in my pocket awaiting turnover to my cousin. Like an ass, I had Casey's note in there too. We were all outside in rare 60 degree December weather. At pickup, Casey's note slipped out of my pocket and onto the ground.

Time slowed down and I swear it made a thump. 

Casey watched and lost her ever loving mind. "MOM, YOU'RE THE TOOTH FAIRY!!!!"

I was totally busted and royally screwed. My response would be critical. 

She's 7, the tender and fragile age where it's still okay to dwell between fantasy and reality. 

Naturally, I froze. Way too much pressure. I had no good explanation. My genius retort was, "NO, I'M NOT!"

The jig is up. One slip and poof there goes years of hard late night under cover ops to ward off centuries of superstitions! 

Major parent fail. 

My cover up story was that everyone knows the Tooth Fairy has to give the teeth and notes back to the parents after they record the information and memories. I mean, duh. 

She didn't buy it. Not, even a little. She knows what she saw and seeing is believing. Clever little bugger.

As fate would have it, hours after being made, my son lost his wiggly snaggle tooth that's been sending shivers up my spine for weeks. 

With my moonlighting gig on the chopping block, I was on a mission to restore the Tooth Fairy's good will. Even while jaded, Casey and my son both wrote notes and put them under their pillows. 
There was still hope!! 

Downstairs at TF HQ at precisely 2am I got busy. Except, instead of that giddy feeling I get throwing on my fairy wings, I felt like a total fraud. 

One thing I know about myself is that when something no longer feels authentic, I can't fake it.

I'm a terrible faker and a rotten liar. I always, always, always get caught red handed. So I stick with truth. Here I am perpetuating the TF myth while I've been staging our Maccabee on the Mantel for 8 straight days. I threw in a kicker, he loses his magic if a child touches him. They handled him with tissues.  
Meet Tom
All the tip toeing around for their sake of childhood wonderment! 

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Eventually, they'll learn the truth but it is still to soon in the game to pop their belief bubbles.

With their TF tokens, I headed upstairs at 2:15am.  

Along the way, I just about knocked into every wall, tripped over every Lego landmine and stepped right through a shoe box!  

Ya know, just in case there was any doubt left in their fragile little minds about the TF's legitimacy, I'll hammer the point home.  

Miraculously, they slept through my ruckus. 
Casey's 1st Tooth TF Token
They awoke excited by their just rewards. 

The TF's note to Casey said: "I'm as real as you believe me to be." She seemed content. 


For the moment, the issue seems to be tabled and TF identity sealed. 

Except, not really.

Now I'm under super double secret probation with a side of her sassy interrogation. 

Ever be interrogated by a child? It's painful. She is fact checking every thing I've ever told her about the Tooth Fairy. Example: "Where are the rest of my teeth that the Tooth Fairy gave back"? "When will she give back Colby's"? Like an hour later she asked, "I thought you said she gives the teeth back the next morning"?!?!? 

Believe you me, I've been sweating balls! I mean, I never wanted to be a litigator, but she'd be a pit bull.

My son's matching snaggle tooth will soon follow. I reckon I have a week to get my shit together. Which I'll need just to recover from two nights of late night TF ops. 
My Sweet Darling Angel Slash Pit bull
I could just break the news now. It would be appropriate and alleviate much pain and suffering. 

The truth would set me free from all this sneaking around. 

She'd love that she outsmarted me. She'd likely be unfazed as long as she still got money for her tooth offerings. And, we can recap all the fun ways the TF surprised and delighted her.

Then again. 

If only they'll hold onto that precious childhood innocence for just a little while longer. They'll have the rest of their lives to deal with reality of living in a fairy less world.

Or, is it??? ;)

(c) 2015 Cynthia Litman. All Rights Reserved.

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Post #IBelieve

Related Mommas Pearls Post:

Check out these fun Tooth Fairy stuff!!!

Epic Designs via Amazon 

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