Events and More!!

Monday, April 18, 2016

When Hillary Comes to Town

Flag Steaming 
By: Cynthia Litman 

Pearl of the Post: Process Politics

I had just finished sorting my schedule for the week when I saw a posting via the Long Island Business News on Facebook that Hillary Clinton was speaking in my town (on 4/11)!!

I pounced. Where, when, what....

I cancelled my day, RSVP'd on the events page and got myself ready to go. At 10:30am I was the first in line at The Landmark on Main Street.

Doors opened at noon.

I didn't mind waiting on the chilly unpredictable April day, I wanted to be part of this experience.

Photo by my girl Sheila. 
Election 2016 is certainly a fascinating election to watch and people are paying attention. The world hangs in the balance as the Presidential hopefuls jockey for the most powerful job in the world.

The Presidential hopefuls are vastly different.
In this election, clarity of your personal positions is key to seeing through the political discourse and campaign rhetoric to find your candidate.

As a woman, it bugs me when other women shrug their shoulders and abstaining from voting. Our fore-sisters worked way too hard to earn us the right to vote on an equal man scale.

So get to it ladies!!! It's no ones business who you vote for but please VOTE!! Do your research and place your weight behind the candidate that is most aligned with your views of the world. (Same goes for your local elections on school budgets, etc.!!!)

As I step off my soap box and back to my first on the line position, I noticed the crowd assembling behind me. It was nowhere near the thousands I thought would descend and screw up town traffic but well into the hundreds. Not bad for such short notice.

My fellow Americans on line were predominately white middle class women (35+) with a sprinkle of men and minorities. It may be what's expected but is not representative of the true diversity in our community. She didn't reach and is not reaching the voter demographic which President Obama captivated and Bernie Sanders continues to rivet. 

Simple and fixable example, the event lacked a hashtag. That almost laughable detail connects the room. 

She did reach the inside circle of town. Those with connections to the campaign and/or venue which is how they knew about the event gained entry. The insider access may be more what's expected from Hillary's circle. I turned to a fellow woman on line and said "I hope I get in!" She replied, "Oh, I know I will get in." I later observed she was connected with the campaign but therein lies the vibe that rubs so many the wrong way about Hillary.
Watch Full Roundtable Discussion 
As a former US Secretary of State, NYS Senator and First Lady with millions in the bank, international prestige and a stellar legacy, I wonder why she is still so driven forward. She's already seems to have the world under her belt. I mean, I'd want to just crawl up in a ball and take a nap. Yet she is very much married to her political life and the huuuuuge political "Clinton" machine that revs forward with powerful tentacles.

Whatever your political viewpoints, you got to respect the woman for getting knocked down only to rise higher then most women can ever dream of.

My interest was piqued by the galley of local politicians, swarms of our local police force, the Secret Service and the press all in attendance with very precise jobs to perfectly set the stage and steam the creases out of the American Flags in the backdrop (top photo).
Congressman Steve Israel
Congressional Hopeful, Jon Kaimann
Town Supervisor, Wayne Wink 
After mingling with all of the above and without much of an announcement, Hillary took to the Landmark's stage along with soon to be retired Congressman Steve Israel and four other woman to discuss gun violence in America.

The women proferred powerful accounts of losing loved ones to gun violence. Erica's (pictured below) mom Dawn was the Principal of Sandy Hook Elementary School; Natasha, lost her 14 year old son in Brooklyn, NY (2012); Rita's daughter was murdered in Tempee Arizona by her roommate's boyfriend; Marie, lost her nephew Jean Paul in (2008) Queens, NY;  and Sandy Phillips's daughter Jessica was killed in a Colorado movie theater while on a date with her boyfriend (2012).
With Erica 
It was a real, deep, rip your heart out discussion about America's pervasive gun problems and the possible courses of action to stem the tide. Hillary may not have me on all issues, but she's got me on this one.

Peppered in between the tears were their endorsements for Hillary's work on the issue and hence, her run for President. 

She stayed on point but managed to throw a few jabs at Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. I would've loved to have seen both of them during their NY rallies. Hillary was the only one kind enough to come into my hood. It was the closest I'd get to a knock on my door to have a chat.

Hillary is truly a fascinating woman to watch in action. 

She is a very polished and familiar pearl. She's extremely mindful in her deliveries and an intellectual. I've seen her hubs Former President Bill Clinton in action in the pre-selfies days and he electrified the crowd. She's interesting but not as gripping as Bill.

Indeed, the US Presidency is the world's greatest performance art. 
Baby Magnet 
Blurry Selfie Op 
Hillary gets a bad wrap for being too polished but I think that is mislabeled. She is a well seasoned politician. People confuse her experience for sounding pre-packaged. Of course she has cases of canned answers after a lifetime in the public eye and under the microscope.

She's like one of America's great giant corporations. We've invested in their success, seen them rise, drank their cool aid but wonder after so much success if they are still connected to their roots, the people and really still care, or, are they all about the bottom line and will only change their tune because of angry protests.

Alas, Hillary may be too smart for her own good and simultaneously, too big to fail. 

And therein lies the ultimate paradox of being a woman in America. Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't. Except Hillary, she does and like it or not will continue to do so. And that drive, I respect.

The experience certainly gave me lots to process and this election is only just getting started!!

Whatever your politics, be part of the process and go VOTE!

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Watch Video of The Roundtable 

(c) 2016 Cynthia Litman. All Rights Reserved.