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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Through Time

Pearl of the Film: In Good Time

This week my son turned 10 and it was very fitting to see Disney's new film Alice: Through The Looking Glass on his Birthday.

Through the Looking Glass is all about T I M E.

I've been spending much of my time this week wondering where it's gone. Ten years is an era and his first one was marked with many memorable happenings. It's remarkable to see how far my son has come in his journey from my belly through childhood to start his pre-teen years.

2016 also marks the 150th anniversary of the publication of Lewis Carolls "Alice in Wonderland". 

150 years ago his book was fresh and stirring up imaginations. Today, the author has long since passed but lives eternally in his bona fide classic with multi-generations of readers, worldwide prints and several multi-media adaptations. There's no sign of his wonder ship ever retiring.

Time truly does fly and keeps us in a state of perpetual wonderment. 
In this sequel, Alice (Mia Wasikowska) is literally in a race against time to save the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp). For this she must first slip past time himself to borrow the Chronosphere and travel through oceans of time to change past in order to correct the present.

Every other line throughout the film, was a pearl about time.  Perhaps the lightest and funniest scene is when Time is trapped at an infamous tea party with the Hatter, Hare and friends. I just about giggled over as they toyed with time.

Time is something we as humans are always processing through. There is a natural order to time, which at times are a blessing and others feel like a curse.

It's easy to see children develop over time as it is seeing adults grow elderly. I see myself changing and evolving by the minute. My friends in their 40's are clocking their work years in order to retire later.  My parent's generation are dancing in the retirement golden years. My children are just getting their sea legs to prep for their journey ahead. My grandparents have long since passed.

Indeed, time is a great vast expanse. And all of time's deep intriguing concepts are wonderfully portrayed in pure Alice in Wonderland beautiful whimsical fantastical style.
Time (Sacha Baron Cohen) is incarnated as a man slash clock. His mood reflects Alice's perception in each scene. He has important work to do to maintain the grand clock and existence itself. No pressure there. He obviously cannot let a silly little girl filled with muchness tinker with or dare to change time.

He tries to warn Alice with the powerful pearl, "you cannot change the past but I dare say you can learn from it."

Alice being Alice and the most valiant She-ro of Underland, goes forth in her quest. She risks breaking time and existence itself in order to save her very best friend the Hatter. Without spoiling too much, Hatter falls into a morbid trance like state after he believes to everyone else's disbelief that his family is still alive.

When your time is up, your time is up. Or is it..... :)

There are many times I've had a hard time accepting the fate of my ancestors. How I've wished to go back in time and be a part of the Holocaust resistance and somehow steer them towards survival. Alas, I'm not Marty McFly or Alice and live in the present trying to accept the history of me.

Before Alice encounters Time, she thinks "time is a thief". But is it?  It certainly feels that way when we lose our loved ones, especially when we lose them young and to tragedy and disease.

Somewhere in time, Alice makes her peace with time. Her Underland friends too find their peace.

Time himself says to Alice, "Time is a friend to no man but I'll always remember you".

And such is the magic, beauty and wisdom of Through the Looking Glass. 

Mommas Pearls Meter: 3 Pearls
Alice: Through The Looking Glass, Rated PG (trailer above)
In Disney’s “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” an all-new spectacular adventure featuring the unforgettable characters from Lewis Carroll’s beloved stories, Alice returns to the whimsical world of Underland and travels back in time to save the Mad Hatter.

Still images courtesy of Disney.

Copyright © 2016 Cynthia Litman. All Rights Reserved.

Disclosure: All opinions and reviews expressed are thoroughly my own and are in no way connected with Disney. I did not receive monetary compensation for this post. However, my family were fortunate to receive advance screening passes and additional passes to run a contest for my MomTime Events Community. For which I am very grateful.